Thursday, March 24, 2011

Molly Craig

In the move "Rabbit Proof Fence" the main character Molly Craig is not regarded as the hero. Although she has a very deep knowledge on tracking. When she was captured by the evil British, she escaped their camp. She knew that if she and her sister and younger cousin escaped during the rain, their footprints will be washed away and they can't be tracked. I strongly disagree regarding her as the "hero" because she only helped her family not the other half caste children. Although Molly did saved her younger sister and cousin, but to be a hero, I think she will need to do more to be a hero.

In 1945, there was a victory parade when the U.S soldiers returned from combat. People regarded them as "hero". But I don't think they are the "true heroes". The true hero of World War ll are those who never returned. Those who died on the bloody battlefield fighting to save their country.


  1. Good opinion and reasoning. Personally I think Molly was a hero on a smaller scale, because although she didn't help her whole race, for such a young person as Molly to be so brave and undertake such a journey I think she was a hero.

  2. I, too, think that you have made a good point Aaiz but I don't agree. I think one can be heroic on a smaller scale as well and that you do not have to die to be truly heroic.
