Monday, March 28, 2011

We Demand Apology!!

We, as the natives of Australia have ourselves in full confidence to demand you White Australians, for your apology for what you have done to our fathers about two generations ago. As a native Australian, we shall prove once again to our native ancestors that we too, are capable of defending our race. Our forefathers lived to their deaths defending our native soil. Many of our fellow natives have died from the raging small pox that came from the British fleet. WE DEMAND APOLOGY!! We demand apology for the sake of our forefathers. We demand apology for what you people did to our forefathers. We demand apology for the children of the "Stolen Generation" from their parents you people took under the order of A O Neville. And if God wills, with its power and might, you people will deliver what we and our forefathers have wished, like President John F Kennedy once said:

"When one man is enslaved, all are not free. When all are free, then we look can look forward

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Molly Craig

In the move "Rabbit Proof Fence" the main character Molly Craig is not regarded as the hero. Although she has a very deep knowledge on tracking. When she was captured by the evil British, she escaped their camp. She knew that if she and her sister and younger cousin escaped during the rain, their footprints will be washed away and they can't be tracked. I strongly disagree regarding her as the "hero" because she only helped her family not the other half caste children. Although Molly did saved her younger sister and cousin, but to be a hero, I think she will need to do more to be a hero.

In 1945, there was a victory parade when the U.S soldiers returned from combat. People regarded them as "hero". But I don't think they are the "true heroes". The true hero of World War ll are those who never returned. Those who died on the bloody battlefield fighting to save their country.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

My Learning Profile

I learn best when I stay after school individually with the teacher I needed assistance from. I learn faster because I will be more focused and there are no distractions. I do not learn well in class as there are lots of distractions from other students ( kids yelling out answers, side talks and etc) I learn that I get better marks from staying after school with a teacher whom I can learn enthusiastically and be a good student.

I need to find time after school to get help individually from a teacher to explain in detail the concepts which I do not understand. I found out that, for example for my math, by staying after school, my grades go up higher. My resolution is to get better grades so that I can become a good student and have a better future. 

The strategies that would help my learning is staying after school and go through what I learn in class in the morning.  Staying after school is really worth my time. I get help individually and also I can ask as much question as I want without feeling shy. Practice is also a good strategy.  Vince Lombardi once said “Practice does not make perfect. Only perfect practice makes perfect." By practicing, we gain more understanding and when we gain more understanding, we will do well on quizzes or tests because the information needed is memorized.

I would like all my teachers to know that I would want to stay after school or at lunch break for immediate assistance. Staying after school is preferred to lunch breaks because it provides more time. Short lunch break is too short for me to learn.

Failing a test is an abhorrent to every nerves in my body; it is my duty as a student to persevere in improving my grades.  My parents unanimously concluded that because of me playing too much video games and having gadgets can affect my studies and make me a lazy person. Today, I have come to realize that because of video games and gadgets (iPod, iPhone and etc) will affect my grades because I am not focused, particularly now when I am preparing for high-school next year with tougher challenges. I sincerely hope that I will do my very best in everything I do. I also would like to receive support from teachers to help me move forward in my learning.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

How can Da Vinci be characterized as a true Renaissance Man?

Leonardo Da Vinci can be characterized as a true Renaissance Man because of his brilliant ideas. He is an artist and scientist. He is best know for his Mona Lisa". Leonardo also dissected the human body and made sketches of them. He designed a prototype flying machine that was never built.  Da Vinci's famous work of art include Mona Lisa, Baptism of Christ, The Adoration of the Magi and John the Baptist. His Codex is filled with sketches of human body and prototype machines. There was a drawing of a baby in a fetus that Leonardo had dissected himself. There was also The Vitruvian Man who was in two positions. This shows the proportions of the human body. Da Vinci is a true Renaissance Man because of his genius ideas science and art.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Brunelleschi's Dome

How do the actions and decisions of people effect change? The Cathedral in Florence has been abandoned for at least 100 years before Cosimo De Medici sponsored Brunelleschi, whose brilliant idea was used to complete the dome.  His actions were to use the egg balancing technique. The change after his wise idea is a dome with no scaffolding! 

Basilica di Santa Maria del Fiore was built in 1296. It was abandoned for 100 years with no dome. But in 1436, a genius architect named Filippo Brunelleschi engineered the dome which has no scaffolding. The dome has stood for 500 years because of Brunelleschi's brilliant architecture strategy.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Where Do New Ideas Come From?

I think new Ideas comes from visioning. Dr Mahathir Mohammad who was the fourth Prime Minister of Malaysia modernized this country by visioning. He build the Petronas Twin Tower, Sepang International Circuit and The KL Tower which attracted tourist. Without his brilliant ideas, Malaysia could not have been well developed. The skyline of Kuala Lumpur could not have been fitted with tall buildings. The number of tourists paying a visit to Malaysia has increase dramatically. Tourists like to visit the Sepang International Circuit when there is the F1 race and they would like to see the world's tallest twin towers which is the Petronas Twin Tower.

After twenty-two years in office, Dr Mahathir resigned as Prime Minister. His 22 years reign left a huge legacy. Dr Mahathir issued an objective "Vision 2020" which is the year he predicted that Malaysia will become a fully developed country.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

My Favorite Story From our Short Story Unit

The are three stories we read. I have to admit that "The Sniper" by Liam O'Flaherty. The massage of the story is to raise awareness to everone that civil war is a horrific situation to be in. The author give awareness because at the end of the story, the sniper killed the enemy sniper and it turned out to be his brother. After reading this short story, I suddenly realized that civil war is like killing your brother because the sniper killed the enemy sniper that actually turned out to be his brother. This story is a really good story because of its unique writing technique. The author knows how to put suspense.